WarThunder Directory

This site gives you access to the full catalog of every vehicle on the War Thunder game. From the War Thunder planes like Ar-2's to tanks like the T-28 and all other vehicles.

Bf 109g 6
Model Bf-109g-6
Value_silv 250000
Reqexp_resp 75000
Unitclass Fighter
Basic_silv 72000
Expert_silv 250000
Ace_gold 940
Ace_exp 480000
Timehrsarcade 63.18
Timehrshistorical 126.234
Timehrssimulation 104.709
Timehrsnocrewarcade 462.36
Timehrsnocrewhistorical 588.467
Timehrsnocrewsimulation 545.419
Costarcade_silv 2550
Costhistorical_silv 10310
Costsimulation_silv 8200
Battletimeawardarcade 1300
Battletimeawardhistorical 3900
Battletimeawardsimulation 4300
Avgawardarcade 4666
Avgawardhistorical 9232
Avgawardsimulation 5972
Rewardmularcade 1.11099
Rewardmulhistorical 4.096
Rewardmulsimulation 4.75588
Rewardmulvisualarcade 2.1
Rewardmulvisualhistorical 4.8
Rewardmulvisualsimulation 4.8
Battletimearcade 54.0362
Battletimehistorical 91.9049
Battletimesimulation 103.216
Expmul 1.66
Groundkillmul 1
Rank 4
Economicrankarcade 13
Economicrankhistorical 0
Economicranksimulation 11
Economicranktankarcade 13
Economicranktankhistorical 12
Economicranktanksimulation 11
Premrewardmulvisualarcade 0
Premrewardmulvisualhistorical 0
Premrewardmulvisualsimulation 0
Gunnerscount 0
Needbuytoopennextintier1 3
Needbuytoopennextintier2 2
Needbuytoopennextintier3 3
Needbuytoopennextintier4 2
Groundkillmul 1
Sparecost_gold 40
Aileronangles [22.4, 11.2]
Aileroneffectivespeed 420
Aileronpowerloss 2.2
Aileronsens 0.13
Airbrakespeed 0.5
Allowstrongcontrolsrestrictions True
Alphaaileronmin 0.1
Alphaelevatormin 0.1
Alpharuddermin 0.1
Arcadehelperssensitivity 1
Arcadelimitwepmultiplier 1.6
Cockpitdoorspeed 0.1
Crew 1
Criticalspeed 50
Elevatorangles [30, 27]
Elevatorpowerloss 2.9
Elevatorsens 0.37
Elevatorseffectivespeed 460
Elevon False
Finheight 1.31339
Gearactuatorspeed 0.2
Invertelevator False
Keelangle 0
Length 8.94
Maxspeedataltitude 666
Maxspeedflaps 250
Maxspeednearground 669.96
Minspeedflaps 121.8
Minimalspeed 160
Momentofinertia [7885.6, 12033.6, 13912.22]
Rudderangles [28, 28]
Ruddereffectivespeed 470.003
Rudderinterceptor False
Rudderpowerloss 1.8
Ruddersens 0.3
Stabangle -0.2
Stabwidth 3
Vslats [140, 160]
Vne 790
Vnemach 0.82
Wingactuatorspeed 0.1
Wingangle 1.42
Wingspan 9.924
Dvflapsin [150, 280, 0.15, 0.25]
Dvflapsout [150, 280, 0.15, 0.02]
Fightaibehaviour Fighter
Iscapableofattackturn False
Model Bf_109g_6
Paratrooper German
Type Fighter
Direction [0, 0]
Position [1.5, 0.07, 0]
Proppos [2.3, 0, 0]
Iscontrollable True
Nitroconsumption 0.05
Type 1
Ata0 0.65
Ata1 1.3
Ata2 1.7
Afterburnermanifoldpressure 1.7
Allowautoturbocharger False
Altitude0 2000
Altitude1 5750
Ceiling0 2000.01
Ceiling1 5750.01
Compressoromegafactorsq 0
Compressorpressureatrpm0 0.3
Exactaltitudes True
Externalpressurelimit False
Iscontrollable False
Numsteps 2
Power0 1310
Power1 1245
Poweratceiling0 1310
Poweratceiling1 1245
Rpm0 400
Rpm1 2600
Rpm2 2800
Speedmanifoldmultiplier 0.57
Turbochargerrpmmax 25000
Turbochargerrpmmaxallowed 18250
Turbochargerrpmmin 0
Turbochargertimeconst 1
Type 2
Hasmagnetocontrol True
Hasradiatorcontrol True
Hasthrottlecontrol True
Advancedjetengine False
Afterburnerboost 1.44
Carbueretortype 2
Consumptionomegamax 1.05
Consumptionomegamincoeff 4.33812
Cylinders 12
Engineacceleration 4
Engineinertiamoment 1
Extinguishernum 0
Fuelconsumptiononfullthr 0.28
Fuelconsumptiononhalfthr 0.24
Fuelconsumptiononidle 0.4
Fuelconsumptiononwep 0.3
Fuelsystemnum 0
Isautonomous True
Iswatercooled True
Mass 720
Maxcarburetorthrmult 1.1
Optimalspeed 330
Power 1240
Rpmamplitude0 [2400, 0]
Rpmamplitude1 [0, 1]
Rpmmax 2800
Rpmmaxallowed 3200
Rpmmin 500
Rpmnom 2600
Throttleboost 1.001
Thrust 10.7
Thrustomegamincoeff 0.00570897
Turbinetimeconstant 3.4
Type Inline
Userealreductor True
Thrustmax0 2700
Altitudepressuretop0 0.163463
Iscontrollable False
Type 0
Advancedpropradius 1.5
Allowautoprop False
Diameter 3
Direction 1
Governorafterburnerparam 2800
Governormaxparam 2600
Governorminparam 1400
Governorspeed 0.07
Governortype 1
Hasfeatheringcontrol False
Inertiamomentcoeff 1
Iscontrollable True
Mass 150
Numblades 3
Phialpha0 11
Phifeather 1.4042
Phimax 60
Phimin 25
Propphi0 16.926
Propphi1 7.82798
Propphi2 0
Propphi3 -6.57403
Propwidth0 0.137592
Propwidth1 0.140868
Propwidth2 0.144414
Propwidth3 0.09009
Reductor 0.685
Useadvancedprop True
Useautopropinertia False
Aftercritdeclinecoeff 0.00222
Aftercritmaxdistanceangle 36
Aftercritparabangle 3
Cdmin 0.019
Cl0 0.15
Claftercrit 0.8
Clcrithigh 1.04
Clcritlow -0.49
Machcrit1 0.6
Machcrit2 0.6
Machcrit3 0.25
Machcrit4 0.25
Machcrit5 0.01
Machfactor 3
Machmax1 1
Machmax2 1
Machmax3 1.5
Machmax4 1.5
Machmax5 1
Multlimit1 2
Multlimit2 2
Multlimit3 0.25
Multlimit4 0.7
Multlimit5 2
Multlinecoeff1 -2
Multlinecoeff2 -2
Multlinecoeff3 -0.2
Multlinecoeff4 -0.2
Multlinecoeff5 0
Multmachmax1 4
Multmachmax2 4
Multmachmax3 0.9
Multmachmax4 0.9
Multmachmax5 2
Alphacrithigh 12.9
Alphacritlow -8.4
Lineclcoeff 0.077
Effectiveradspeed 250
Ineffectiveradmult 0.8
Oilmaxtemp 110
Oilmintemp 50
Oiloutmaxrpmtemp 97
Overheattime 300
Radiatortype 3
Tempchangespeed 0.01
Underheattime 999
Watermaxrpmtemp 110
Watermaxtemp 116.5
Watermintemp 60
Centerwheelradius 0.164
Floats False
Frontalspringscoeff 322092
Frontalspringsheight 0.3
Haswheels True
Height 1.66337
Leftwheelradius 0.339
Pitch 12.85
Retractabletailstrut False
Rightwheelradius 0.339
Sinkfactor 800
Tailspringscoeff 322092
Tailspringsheight 0.1
Usecenterofgravity True
Waterfriction 1
Advancedmass False
Centerofgravity [-0.15, 0.1, 0]
Emptymass 2760
Flapsdestructionindspeed 320.4
Geardestructionindspeed 450
Maxfuelmass0 296
Maxnitro 63
Oilmass 35
Takeoff 3567
Wingcritoverload [-108445, 158445]
Aileron_l_dm 22.9466
Aileron_r_dm 22.9466
Armor1_dm 22.5835
Armor2_dm 4.22734
Armor3_dm 9.17558
Cannon1_dm 35.3939
Cover1_dm 96.9454
Cover2_dm 18.0063
Elevator_dm 37.794
Fin_dm 26.4422
Flap_l_dm 33.51
Flap_r_dm 33.5099
Fuse1_dm 108.6
Fuse_dm 149.2
Gear_l_dm 33.0658
Gear_r_dm 33.0658
Mgun1_dm 16.7532
Mgun2_dm 16.7532
Oil1_dm 21.148
Oil2_dm 7.46114
Oil3_dm 8.91443
Pilot_dm 39.5707
Rudder_dm 36.1973
Spar1_l_dm 13.2866
Spar1_r_dm 13.2866
Spar2_l_dm 9.85147
Spar2_r_dm 9.85149
Spar_l_dm 18.2748
Spar_r_dm 18.2748
Stab_dm 65.6166
Tail_dm 80.0426
Tailcontrol_dm 15.1151
Tank1_capacity 296
Tank1_system 0
Water1_dm 8.6535
Water2_dm 8.6535
Wing1_l_dm 98.6858
Wing1_r_dm 98.6492
Wing2_l_dm 80.7357
Wing2_r_dm 80.696
Wing_l_dm 137.151
Wing_r_dm 137.337
Wingcontrol_l_dm 9.84271
Wingcontrol_r_dm 9.84268
Climbspeedias True
Climbspeednum 0
Mass 0
Turntimeflaps 0
Alt {}
Ias {}
Tank1_dm True
Tank2_dm True
Tank3_dm True
Tank4_dm True
Tank5_dm True
Tank6_dm True
Tank7_dm True
Tank8_dm True
Airfieldlen 343
Climbalt 6000
Climbspeed 23.3
Climbtime 420
Maxaltitude 11500
Maxspeed 185.555
Maxspeedalt 5500
Turntime 20
Accspd 2.20049
Climbspeed 19.539
Maxspeed 178.8889
Turntime 21.4
Blk Gunmg131
Bullets 300
Counterindex 2
Spread 1
Trigger Machine gun
Blk Gunmg131
Bullets 300
Counterindex 4
Spread 1
Traceoffset 1
Trigger Machine gun
Blk Cannonmg15120
Bullets 200
Counterindex 3
Spread 1
Trigger Cannon
Engineextinguishfirespeed [138, 223]
Engineextinguishfirespeedchance [0.01, 0.1]
Firedamagepowerrel 0.05
Nonextinguishfiretime 5
Enginecooldowntime 18
Engineoverheatcooldowntime 14
Engineoverheattime 25
Enginetempafteroverheat 0.15
Guncooldowntime 2.5
Gunoverheatcooldowntime 3
Gunoverheattime 8
Guntempafteroverheat 0.15
Enginecooldowntime 20
Engineoverheatcooldowntime 60
Engineoverheattime 40
Enginetempafteroverheat 0.3
Guncooldowntime 2.5
Gunoverheatcooldowntime 3
Gunoverheattime 4
Guntempafteroverheat 0.2
Enginecooldowntime 20
Engineoverheatcooldowntime 60
Engineoverheattime 40
Enginetempafteroverheat 0.3
Guncooldowntime 2.5
Gunoverheatcooldowntime 3
Gunoverheattime 4
Guntempafteroverheat 0.2
All True
Axis True
Axis_achievement True
Bf_109_series True
Can_be_played_with_cockpit_view_only True
Country_germany True
Eastern_front True
Hangar True
Korsun True
Mediterranean True
Piston_engine True
Sicily True
Training True
Type_fighter True
Type_medium_fighter True
Western_front True
Year1943 True
Year1944 True
Year1945 True
Berlin 1
Britain 1
Bulge 1
Korsun 1
Krymsk 1
Kursk 1
Malta 1
Mozdok 1
Ruhr 1
Sicily 1
Stalingrad 1
Stalingrad_w 1
Berlin 0.7
Britain 0.7
Bulge 0.7
Korsun 0.7
Krymsk 0.7
Kursk 0.7
Malta 0.7
Mozdok 0.7
Ruhr 0.7
Sicily 0.7
Stalingrad 0.7
Stalingrad_w 0.7
Berlin 0.3
Britain 0.3
Bulge 0.3
Korsun 0.3
Krymsk 0.3
Kursk 0.3
Malta 0.3
Mozdok 0.3
Ruhr 0.3
Sicily 0.3
Stalingrad 0.3
Stalingrad_w 0.3