He 112b 0
Model | He_112b_0 |
Value_silv | 6300 |
Reqexp_resp | 5900 |
Unitclass | Fighter |
Train | |
Basic_silv | 1800 |
Expert_silv | 6300 |
Ace_gold | 80 |
Ace_exp | 140000 |
Repair | |
Timehrsarcade | 0.342 |
Timehrshistorical | 0.683316 |
Timehrssimulation | 0.683726 |
Timehrsnocrewarcade | 336.684 |
Timehrsnocrewhistorical | 337.367 |
Timehrsnocrewsimulation | 337.367 |
Costarcade_silv | 470 |
Costhistorical_silv | 1430 |
Costsimulation_silv | 1660 |
Rewards | |
Battletimeawardarcade | 350 |
Battletimeawardhistorical | 970 |
Battletimeawardsimulation | 1200 |
Avgawardarcade | 1259 |
Avgawardhistorical | 2339 |
Avgawardsimulation | 2594 |
Rewardmularcade | 0.300153 |
Rewardmulhistorical | 0.927964 |
Rewardmulsimulation | 1.72443 |
Rewardmulvisualarcade | 1.3 |
Rewardmulvisualhistorical | 1.8 |
Rewardmulvisualsimulation | 2.3 |
Battletimearcade | 82.9815 |
Battletimehistorical | 110.873 |
Battletimesimulation | 178.755 |
Expmul | 1.06 |
Groundkillmul | 1 |
Rank | 1 |
Economicrankarcade | 4 |
Economicrankhistorical | 0 |
Economicranksimulation | 4 |
Economicranktankarcade | 4 |
Economicranktankhistorical | 3 |
Economicranktanksimulation | 4 |
Premrewardmulvisualarcade | 0 |
Premrewardmulvisualhistorical | 0 |
Premrewardmulvisualsimulation | 0 |
Misc | |
Gunnerscount | 0 |
Needbuytoopennextintier1 | 2 |
Needbuytoopennextintier2 | 1 |
Needbuytoopennextintier3 | 2 |
Needbuytoopennextintier4 | 1 |
Groundkillmul | 1 |
Sparecost_gold | 40 |
Data | |
Aileronangles | [14, 14] |
Aileroneffectivespeed | 298.002 |
Aileronpowerloss | 2 |
Aileronsens | 0.32 |
Airbrakespeed | 0.5 |
Allowstrongcontrolsrestrictions | True |
Alphaaileronmin | 0.1 |
Alphaelevatormin | 0.1 |
Alpharuddermin | 0.1 |
Arcadehelperssensitivity | 1 |
Arcadelimitwepmultiplier | 1.1 |
Cockpitdoorspeedclose | [150, 300, 0.5, 0.08] |
Cockpitdoorspeedopen | [150, 300, 0.5, 0.09] |
Crew | 1 |
Criticalspeed | 50 |
Elevatorangles | [28, 20] |
Elevatorpowerloss | 2.7 |
Elevatorsens | 0.55 |
Elevatorseffectivespeed | 360.003 |
Elevon | False |
Finheight | 1.51987 |
Gearactuatorspeed | 0.2 |
Invertelevator | False |
Keelangle | 0 |
Length | 9.3 |
Maxspeedataltitude | 555 |
Maxspeedflaps | 250 |
Maxspeednearground | 502.92 |
Minspeedflaps | 108.75 |
Minimalspeed | 150 |
Momentofinertia | [2558.77, 4494.09, 2276.31] |
Rudderangles | [28, 28] |
Ruddereffectivespeed | 320.003 |
Rudderinterceptor | False |
Rudderpowerloss | 2 |
Ruddersens | 0.41 |
Stabangle | 0 |
Stabwidth | 4.3 |
Vslats | [125, 150] |
Vne | 690 |
Vnecockpitdoor | 700 |
Vnecockpitdoor2 | 2000 |
Vnemach | 1.1 |
Wingactuatorspeed | 0.1 |
Wingangle | 0 |
Wingspan | 9.1 |
Dvflapsin | [150, 280, 0.15, 0.19] |
Dvflapsout | [150, 280, 0.15, 0.12] |
Fightaibehaviour | Fighter |
Model | He_112b_0 |
Model2 | He_112a_0 |
Paratrooper | German |
Type | Fighter |
Engine0 | |
Direction | [0, 0] |
Position | [1.41, 0, 0] |
Proppos | [2, 0, 0] |
Afterburner | |
Iscontrollable | False |
Nitroconsumption | 0 |
Type | 0 |
Compressor | |
Ata0 | 0.75 |
Ata1 | 1 |
Ata2 | 1.05 |
Afterburnerboostmul0 | 1 |
Afterburnermanifoldpressure | 1.3 |
Allowautoturbocharger | False |
Altitude0 | 1900 |
Altitudeconstrpm0 | 800 |
Ceiling0 | 1901 |
Compressoromegafactorsq | 0 |
Compressorpressureatrpm0 | 1 |
Exactaltitudes | False |
Externalpressurelimit | True |
Iscontrollable | False |
Numsteps | 1 |
Power0 | 647 |
Poweratceiling0 | 647 |
Powerconstrpm0 | 680 |
Powerconstrpmcurvature0 | 1 |
Rpm0 | 650 |
Rpm1 | 2300 |
Rpm2 | 2450 |
Speedmanifoldmultiplier | 1 |
Turbochargerrpmmax | 25000 |
Turbochargerrpmmaxallowed | 18250 |
Turbochargerrpmmin | 0 |
Turbochargertimeconst | 1 |
Type | 1 |
Controls | |
Hasmagnetocontrol | True |
Hasradiatorcontrol | True |
Hasthrottlecontrol | True |
Main | |
Advancedjetengine | False |
Afterburnerboost | 1 |
Carbueretortype | 3 |
Consumptionomegamax | 1.05 |
Consumptionomegamincoeff | 5.08622 |
Cylinders | 12 |
Engineacceleration | 8 |
Engineinertiamoment | 1 |
Extinguishernum | 0 |
Fuelconsumptiononfullthr | 0.249 |
Fuelconsumptiononhalfthr | 0.219 |
Fuelconsumptiononidle | 0.4 |
Fuelconsumptiononwep | 0.249 |
Fuelsystemnum | 0 |
Isautonomous | True |
Iswatercooled | True |
Mass | 442 |
Maxcarburetorthrmult | 1.1 |
Optimalspeed | 280 |
Power | 660 |
Rpmamplitude0 | [2700, 0] |
Rpmamplitude1 | [0, 50] |
Rpmmax | 2700 |
Rpmmaxallowed | 2800 |
Rpmmin | 400 |
Rpmnom | 2700 |
Throttleboost | 1 |
Thrust | 10.7 |
Thrustomegamincoeff | 0.00326086 |
Turbinetimeconstant | 3.4 |
Type | Inline |
Userealreductor | True |
Thrustmax | |
Thrustmax0 | 2700 |
Mixer | |
Altitudepressuretop0 | 0.692448 |
Iscontrollable | True |
Type | 2 |
Propellor | |
Advancedpropradius | 1.55 |
Allowautoprop | False |
Diameter | 3.1 |
Direction | 1 |
Governorafterburnerparam | 2700 |
Governormaxparam | 2700 |
Governorminparam | 1800 |
Governorspeed | 0.25 |
Governortype | 2 |
Hasfeatheringcontrol | False |
Inertiamomentcoeff | 1 |
Iscontrollable | True |
Mass | 120 |
Numblades | 2 |
Phialpha0 | 11 |
Phifeather | 1.40717 |
Phimax | 52 |
Phimin | 19 |
Propphi0 | 19.2 |
Propphi1 | 8.73 |
Propphi2 | 0 |
Propphi3 | -8.1 |
Propwidth0 | 0.16 |
Propwidth1 | 0.2 |
Propwidth2 | 0.14 |
Propwidth3 | 0.05 |
Reductor | 0.575 |
Useadvancedprop | True |
Useautopropinertia | False |
Polar | |
Aftercritdeclinecoeff | 0.000222 |
Aftercritmaxdistanceangle | 56 |
Aftercritparabangle | 3 |
Cdmin | 0.005 |
Cl0 | 0.25 |
Claftercrit | 1.09 |
Clcrithigh | 1.24 |
Clcritlow | -0.8 |
Machcrit1 | 0.6 |
Machcrit2 | 0.65 |
Machcrit3 | 0.3 |
Machcrit4 | 0.3 |
Machcrit5 | 0.01 |
Machfactor | 3 |
Machmax1 | 1 |
Machmax2 | 0.97 |
Machmax3 | 1 |
Machmax4 | 1 |
Machmax5 | 0.02 |
Multlimit1 | 1 |
Multlimit2 | 1 |
Multlimit3 | 0.25 |
Multlimit4 | 0.25 |
Multlimit5 | 9 |
Multlinecoeff1 | -5.2 |
Multlinecoeff2 | -3.7 |
Multlinecoeff3 | -0.44 |
Multlinecoeff4 | -0.2 |
Multlinecoeff5 | 0 |
Multmachmax1 | 7 |
Multmachmax2 | 6.7 |
Multmachmax3 | 0.32 |
Multmachmax4 | 0.4 |
Multmachmax5 | 9 |
Alphacrithigh | 18 |
Alphacritlow | -14 |
Lineclcoeff | 0.075 |
Temperature | |
Effectiveradspeed | 250 |
Ineffectiveradmult | 1.1 |
Oilmaxtemp | 105 |
Oilmintemp | 40 |
Oiloutmaxrpmtemp | 90 |
Overheattime | 380 |
Radiatortype | 3 |
Tempchangespeed | 0.012 |
Underheattime | 999 |
Watermaxrpmtemp | 100 |
Watermaxtemp | 105 |
Watermintemp | 60 |
Gear | |
Centerwheelradius | 0.1 |
Floats | False |
Frontalspringscoeff | 200940 |
Frontalspringsheight | 0.3 |
Haswheels | True |
Height | 1.59311 |
Leftwheelradius | 0.36 |
Pitch | 12.089 |
Retractabletailstrut | False |
Rightwheelradius | 0.35 |
Sinkfactor | 700 |
Tailspringscoeff | 200940 |
Tailspringsheight | 0.1 |
Usecenterofgravity | False |
Waterfriction | 1 |
Mass | |
Advancedmass | False |
Centerofgravity | [0, 0, 0] |
Emptymass | 1873 |
Flapsdestructionindspeed | 320.4 |
Geardestructionindspeed | 450 |
Maxfuelmass0 | 240 |
Maxnitro | 0 |
Oilmass | 23.4 |
Separatefueltanks | False |
Takeoff | 2250 |
Wingcritoverload | [-148989, 148989] |
Parts | |
Engine1_dm | 442 |
Passport | |
Alt0 | 0 |
Climbspeedias | True |
Climbspeednum | 1 |
Mass | 2244.9 |
Speedmax0 | 235 |
Speedwep0 | 235 |
Turntimeflaps | 0 |
Unitsystem | Metric |
Alt | |
Maxspeednom | [3300, 499.855] |
Maxspeednom2 | [2500, 501.063] |
Maxspeednom3 | [3500, 498.202] |
Maxspeednom4 | [2600, 501.538] |
Maxspeednom5 | [2700, 501.836] |
Maxspeednom6 | [3400, 499.102] |
Maxspeednom7 | [2800, 502.34] |
Maxspeednom8 | [2900, 502.199] |
Maxspeednom9 | [3200, 500.56] |
Maxspeednom10 | [3000, 501.684] |
Maxspeednom11 | [3100, 501.27] |
Maxspeedwep | [3500, 498.242] |
Maxspeedwep2 | [3400, 499.162] |
Maxspeedwep3 | [3200, 500.72] |
Maxspeedwep4 | [3100, 501.714] |
Maxspeedwep5 | [3300, 499.969] |
Maxspeedwep6 | [2900, 502.632] |
Maxspeedwep7 | [2800, 502.744] |
Maxspeedwep8 | [2700, 502.24] |
Maxspeedwep9 | [2600, 501.928] |
Maxspeedwep10 | [2500, 501.378] |
Maxspeedwep11 | [3000, 502.12] |
Minclimbtimenom | [2500, 208.811] |
Minclimbtimenom2 | [2000, 164.041] |
Minclimbtimenom3 | [1500, 121.541] |
Minclimbtimenom4 | [1000, 80.7706] |
Minclimbtimenom5 | [500, 40.4582] |
Minclimbtimenom6 | [0, 0.020833] |
Minclimbtimenom7 | [3000, 258.04] |
Minclimbtimewep | [500, 40.4582] |
Minclimbtimewep2 | [1000, 80.7706] |
Minclimbtimewep3 | [3000, 258.04] |
Minclimbtimewep4 | [1500, 121.52] |
Minclimbtimewep5 | [2000, 164.041] |
Minclimbtimewep6 | [2500, 208.811] |
Minclimbtimewep7 | [0, 0.020833] |
Minturntimenom | [1000, 20.0881] |
Minturntimewep | [1000, 20.077] |
Stallspeed | [1000, 147.117] |
Stallspeedlanding | [1000, 128.124] |
Ias | |
Maxrollrateleft | [321.86, 82.2857] |
Maxrollrateleft2 | [450.603, 60.4196] |
Maxrollrateleft3 | [579.347, 47.4726] |
Maxrollrateright | [321.86, 82.2857] |
Maxrollrateright2 | [450.603, 60.4196] |
Maxrollrateright3 | [579.347, 47.4726] |
Selfsealingtanks | |
Tank1_dm | True |
Tank2_dm | True |
Tank3_dm | True |
Tank4_dm | True |
Tank5_dm | True |
Tank6_dm | True |
Tank7_dm | True |
Tank8_dm | True |
Shop | |
Airfieldlen | 324.937 |
Climbalt | 1000 |
Climbspeed | 12.5 |
Climbtime | 213.22 |
Maxaltitude | 8500 |
Maxspeed | 139.7 |
Maxspeedalt | 2800 |
Turntime | 16 |
Autotune | |
Climbmult | 10 |
Maxheight | 9800 |
Mutationrate | 0.07 |
Speedmult | 3 |
Stamprate | 0.12 |
Data | |
Roc | 15 |
Alt | 0 |
Speed | 430 |
Data2 | |
Roc | 13.95 |
Alt | 3000 |
Speed | 472.57 |
Data3 | |
Alt | 4000 |
Speed | 460 |
Data4 | |
Roc | 1.5 |
Alt | 9700 |
Touch | |
From | 0.01 |
Para | Cdmin_0 |
To | 0.07 |
Touch2 | |
From | 0.0002 |
Para | Parabcxcoeff_0 |
To | 0.002 |
Touch3 | |
From | 0.01 |
Para | Lineclcoeff |
To | 0.4 |
Touch4 | |
From | 0.05 |
Para | Cl0_0 |
To | 0.4 |
Touch5 | |
From | 0 |
Para | Clcrithigh_0 |
To | 2.4 |
Touch6 | |
From | -1.5 |
Para | Clcritlow_0 |
To | 0 |
Balancedata | |
Accspd | 100.065 |
Climbspeed | 15.8319 |
Maxspeed | 122.22 |
Turntime | 15.5 |
Commonweapons | |
Weapon | |
Blk | Gunmg17 |
Bullets | 500 |
Counterindex | 1 |
Spread | 1 |
Trigger | Machine gun |
Weapon2 | |
Blk | Gunmg17 |
Bullets | 500 |
Spread | 1 |
Trigger | Machine gun |
Weapon3 | |
Blk | Cannonmgff |
Bullets | 60 |
Counterindex | 2 |
Iswinglpositioned | False |
Iswingrpositioned | False |
Spread | 1.5 |
Trigger | Cannon |
Weapon4 | |
Blk | Cannonmgff |
Bullets | 60 |
Iswinglpositioned | False |
Iswingrpositioned | False |
Spread | 1.5 |
Trigger | Cannon |
Fireparams | |
Engineextinguishfirespeed | [82, 166] |
Engineextinguishfirespeedchance | [0.01, 0.1] |
Firedamagepowerrel | 0.05 |
Nonextinguishfiretime | 5 |
Overheat_arcade | |
Enginecooldowntime | 18 |
Engineoverheatcooldowntime | 14 |
Engineoverheattime | 25 |
Enginetempafteroverheat | 0.15 |
Guncooldowntime | 2.5 |
Gunoverheatcooldowntime | 3 |
Gunoverheattime | 8 |
Guntempafteroverheat | 0.15 |
Overheat_hardcore | |
Enginecooldowntime | 20 |
Engineoverheatcooldowntime | 60 |
Engineoverheattime | 40 |
Enginetempafteroverheat | 0.3 |
Guncooldowntime | 2.5 |
Gunoverheatcooldowntime | 3 |
Gunoverheattime | 4 |
Guntempafteroverheat | 0.2 |
Overheat_realistic | |
Enginecooldowntime | 20 |
Engineoverheatcooldowntime | 60 |
Engineoverheattime | 40 |
Enginetempafteroverheat | 0.3 |
Guncooldowntime | 2.5 |
Gunoverheatcooldowntime | 3 |
Gunoverheattime | 4 |
Guntempafteroverheat | 0.2 |
Tags | |
All | True |
Axis | True |
Can_be_played_with_cockpit_view_only | True |
Country_germany | True |
Eastern_front | True |
Hangar | True |
Mediterranean | True |
Piston_engine | True |
Training | True |
Type_fighter | True |
Western_front | True |
Year1940 | True |
Year1941 | True |
Year1942 | True |
Years_active | |
Year1940 | |
Berlin | 1 |
Britain | 1 |
Bulge | 1 |
Korsun | 1 |
Krymsk | 1 |
Kursk | 1 |
Malta | 1 |
Mozdok | 1 |
Ruhr | 1 |
Sicily | 1 |
Stalingrad | 1 |
Stalingrad_w | 1 |
Year1941 | |
Berlin | 0.7 |
Britain | 0.7 |
Bulge | 0.7 |
Korsun | 0.7 |
Krymsk | 0.7 |
Kursk | 0.7 |
Malta | 0.7 |
Mozdok | 0.7 |
Ruhr | 0.7 |
Sicily | 0.7 |
Stalingrad | 0.7 |
Stalingrad_w | 0.7 |
Year1942 | |
Berlin | 0.3 |
Britain | 0.3 |
Bulge | 0.3 |
Korsun | 0.3 |
Krymsk | 0.3 |
Kursk | 0.3 |
Malta | 0.3 |
Mozdok | 0.3 |
Ruhr | 0.3 |
Sicily | 0.3 |
Stalingrad | 0.3 |
Stalingrad_w | 0.3 |