WarThunder Directory

This site gives you access to the full catalog of every vehicle on the War Thunder game. From the War Thunder planes like Ar-2's to tanks like the T-28 and all other vehicles.

Sb 2m 100
Model Sb_2m_100
Value_silv 6300
Reqexp_resp 5900
Unitclass Bomber
Basic_silv 1800
Expert_silv 6300
Ace_gold 80
Ace_exp 140000
Timehrsarcade 0.517
Timehrshistorical 0.553446
Timehrssimulation 0.841779
Timehrsnocrewarcade 337.034
Timehrsnocrewhistorical 337.107
Timehrsnocrewsimulation 337.684
Costarcade_silv 640
Costhistorical_silv 1100
Costsimulation_silv 1730
Battletimeawardarcade 460
Battletimeawardhistorical 980
Battletimeawardsimulation 1200
Avgawardarcade 1668
Avgawardhistorical 1781
Avgawardsimulation 2664
Rewardmularcade 1.16805
Rewardmulhistorical 1.70667
Rewardmulsimulation 2.38149
Rewardmulvisualarcade 2.1
Rewardmulvisualhistorical 2.6
Rewardmulvisualsimulation 2.9
Battletimearcade 64.8979
Battletimehistorical 57.1383
Battletimesimulation 115.418
Expmul 1.06
Groundkillmul 2.25
Rank 1
Economicrankarcade 2
Economicrankhistorical 0
Economicranksimulation 3
Economicranktankarcade 2
Economicranktankhistorical 2
Economicranktanksimulation 3
Premrewardmulvisualarcade 0
Premrewardmulvisualhistorical 0
Premrewardmulvisualsimulation 0
Gunnerscount 3
Needbuytoopennextintier1 2
Needbuytoopennextintier2 1
Needbuytoopennextintier3 3
Needbuytoopennextintier4 1
Groundkillmul 2.25
Spawntype Bomber
Sparecost_gold 10
Aileronangles [14, 14]
Aileroneffectivespeed 340
Aileronpowerloss 4
Aileronsens 0.24
Allowstrongcontrolsrestrictions True
Alphaaileronmin 0.4
Alphaelevatormin 0.2
Alpharuddermin 0.4
Arcadehelperssensitivity 1
Arcadelimitwepmultiplier 1.8
Cockpitdoorspeed 0.1
Crew 3
Criticalspeed 50
Elevatorangles [25, 25]
Elevatorpowerloss 5
Elevatorsens 0.55
Elevatorseffectivespeed 390
Engineforcemultiplier 1
Enginewepforcemultiplier 1.1
Finheight 2.6096
Gearactuatorspeed 0.2
Keelangle 0
Length 12.27
Maxspeedataltitude 447
Maxspeedflaps 230
Maxspeednearground 423
Minspeedflaps 104.4
Minimalspeed 140
Momentofinertia [12650, 24370, 13780]
Rudderangles [28, 28]
Ruddereffectivespeed 340
Rudderpowerloss 4
Ruddersens 0.45
Stabangle 0
Stabwidth 5.2
Vslats [120, 140]
Vne 550
Vnemach 1.1
Wingactuatorspeed 0.1
Wingangle 0
Wingspan 20.33
Dvflapsin [150, 280, 0.15, 0.25]
Dvflapsout [150, 280, 0.15, 0.02]
Fightaibehaviour Bomber
Hasqualitymodels True
Iscapableofattackturn False
Model Sb_2m_100
Musthavecockpit False
Paratrooper German
Type Bomber
Type2 Transport
Position [1.15, -0.1, 2.55]
Proppos [2.7, -0.01, 2.56]
Vector [1, 0, 0]
Iscontrollable False
Nitroconsumption 0
Type 0
Ata0 0.65
Ata1 1
Ata2 1.12
Ata3 1.158
Afterburnercompressionfactor 0.5
Altitude0 3800
Compressorpressureatrpm0 0.4
Compressorturbocompmult 0.9
Compressorturboextmult 0.1
Iscontrollable False
Multiplier0 1.23
Numsteps 1
Rpm0 400
Rpm1 2000
Rpm2 2300
Rpm3 2400
Speedmanifoldmultiplier 1
Type 1
Hasmagnetocontrol True
Hasradiatorcontrol True
Hasthrottlecontrol True
Advancedjetengine False
Afterburnerboost 1
Carbueretortype 1
Consumptionomegamax 1.05
Consumptionomegamincoeff 4.24195
Cylinders 12
Engineacceleration 4
Engineinertiamoment 1
Extinguishernum 0
Fuelconsumptiononfullthr 0.28
Fuelconsumptiononhalfthr 0.24
Fuelconsumptiononidle 0.4
Fuelconsumptiononwep 0.3
Horsepowers 560
Isautonomous True
Iswatercooled True
Mass 475
Maxcarburetorthrmult 1
Optimalspeed 324
Rpmamplitude0 [2200, 2]
Rpmamplitude1 [0, 135]
Rpmmax 2400
Rpmmaxallowed 2900
Rpmmin 440
Rpmnom 1600
Throttleboost 1
Thrust 10.7
Thrustomegamincoeff 0.00617773
Turbinetimeconstant 3.4
Type Inline
Userealreductor True
Thrustmax0 2700
Altitudepressuretop0 0.610261
Iscontrollable True
Type 2
Advancedpropradius 1.7
Allowautoprop False
Diameter 3.4
Direction 0
Governorafterburnerparam 2400
Governormaxparam 2400
Governorminparam 900
Governorspeed 0.04
Governortype 0
Hasfeatheringcontrol False
Inertiamomentcoeff 1
Iscontrollable False
Mass 88
Numblades 2
Phialpha0 11
Phifeather 1.39975
Phimax 22
Phimin 22
Propphi0 12
Propphi1 5
Propphi2 0
Propphi3 -7
Propwidth0 0.217
Propwidth1 0.223
Propwidth2 0.184
Propwidth3 0.098
Reductor 0.667
Useadvancedprop True
Useautopropinertia False
Aftercritdeclinecoeff 0.0222222
Aftercritmaxdistanceangle 36
Aftercritparabangle 3
Cdmin 0.0107
Cl0 0.484
Claftercrit 1.09
Clcrithigh 1.367
Clcritlow -0.06
Alphacrithigh 15
Alphacritlow -6
Lineclcoeff 0.055
Effectiveradspeed 290
Ineffectiveradmult 1.1
Oilmaxtemp 110
Oilmintemp 40
Oiloutmaxrpmtemp 85
Overheattime 300
Radiatortype 3
Tempchangespeed 0.023
Underheattime 999
Watermaxrpmtemp 100
Watermaxtemp 100
Watermintemp 60
Centerwheelradius 0.186
Floats False
Frontalspringscoeff 544647
Frontalspringsheight 0.3
Haswheels True
Height 1.97
Leftwheelradius 0.413
Pitch 9.74
Rightwheelradius 0.413
Sinkfactor 1000
Tailspringscoeff 544647
Tailspringsheight 0.1
Waterfriction 1
Advancedmass False
Centerofgravity [0, 0, 0]
Emptymass 4060
Maxfuelmass 530
Maxnitro 0
Oilmass 60
Takeoff 6392
Wingcritoverload [-372672, 372672]
Aileron_l_dm 53.3303
Aileron_r_dm 53.3303
Armor1_dm 15.9183
Cover1_dm 158.907
Cover2_dm 157.666
Elevator_dm 84.5101
Fin_dm 51.5129
Flap1_l_dm 17.076
Flap1_r_dm 17.076
Flap_l_dm 27.1604
Flap_r_dm 27.1604
Fuse1_dm 186.249
Fuse2_dm 88.2423
Fuse_dm 103.334
Gear_l_dm 46.4606
Gear_r_dm 46.4606
Gunner1_dm 28.6646
Gunner2_dm 27.2388
Gunner3_dm 21.8901
Oil1_dm 7.74224
Oil2_dm 7.74224
Pilot_dm 24.0694
Rudder_dm 59.0896
Spar1_l_dm 26.2312
Spar1_r_dm 26.3446
Spar2_l_dm 18.705
Spar2_r_dm 18.8112
Spar_l_dm 39.1444
Spar_r_dm 39.1439
Stab_dm 112.67
Tail_dm 60.6242
Tailcontrol_dm 2.84561
Water1_dm 12.7755
Water2_dm 12.7755
Wing1_l_dm 183.293
Wing1_r_dm 183.293
Wing2_l_dm 130.457
Wing2_r_dm 130.457
Wing_l_dm 279.435
Wing_r_dm 278.895
Wingcontrol_dm 2.27777
Wingcontrol_l_dm 4.53684
Wingcontrol_r_dm 4.69861
Mass 0
Alt {}
Ias {}
Tank1_dm False
Tank2_dm False
Tank3_dm False
Tank4_dm False
Tank5_dm False
Tank6_dm False
Tank7_dm False
Tank8_dm False
Airfieldlen 366.454
Climbalt 5000
Climbspeed 8.9
Climbtime 534
Maxaltitude 9560
Maxspeed 117.5
Maxspeedalt 4000
Turntime 24.2289
Accspd 0.957849
Climbspeed 8.9
Maxspeed 117.5
Turntime 24.2289
Blk Gunshkas turret
Bullets 950
Trigger Gunner0
Pitch [-15, 15]
Yaw [-35, 25]
Gun Gun1
Head Turret1
Blk Gunshkas turret
Bullets 950
Trigger Gunner0
Pitch [-15, 15]
Yaw [-35, 25]
Gun Gun2
Head Turret2
Blk Gunshkas turret
Bullets 1000
Trigger Gunner1
Pitch [-4, 60]
Yaw [-155, 155]
Gun Gun3
Head Turret3
Blk Gunshkas turret
Bullets 500
Trigger Gunner2
Pitch [-40, -10]
Yaw [-30, 30]
Gun Gun4
Head Turret4
Engineextinguishfirespeed [55, 138]
Engineextinguishfirespeedchance [0.01, 0.1]
Firedamagepowerrel 0.05
Nonextinguishfiretime 5
Enginecooldowntime 18
Engineoverheatcooldowntime 14
Engineoverheattime 25
Enginetempafteroverheat 0.15
Guncooldowntime 2.5
Gunoverheatcooldowntime 3
Gunoverheattime 8
Guntempafteroverheat 0.15
Enginecooldowntime 20
Engineoverheatcooldowntime 60
Engineoverheattime 40
Enginetempafteroverheat 0.3
Guncooldowntime 2.5
Gunoverheatcooldowntime 3
Gunoverheattime 4
Guntempafteroverheat 0.2
Enginecooldowntime 20
Engineoverheatcooldowntime 60
Engineoverheattime 40
Enginetempafteroverheat 0.3
Guncooldowntime 2.5
Gunoverheatcooldowntime 3
Gunoverheattime 4
Guntempafteroverheat 0.2
All True
Ally True
Bomber True
Bomberview True
Can_be_played_with_cockpit_view_only True
Country_ussr True
Eastern_front True
Far_eastern_front True
Hangar True
Piston_engine True
Soviet True
Training True
Type_bomber True
Type_light_bomber True
Year1939 True
Year1940 True
Year1941 True
Berlin 1
Khalkin_gol 1
Korsun 1
Krymsk 1
Kursk 1
Mozdok 1
Stalingrad 1
Stalingrad_w 1
Berlin 0.7
Khalkin_gol 0.7
Korsun 0.7
Krymsk 0.7
Kursk 0.7
Mozdok 0.7
Stalingrad 0.7
Stalingrad_w 0.7
Berlin 0.3
Khalkin_gol 0.3
Korsun 0.3
Krymsk 0.3
Kursk 0.3
Mozdok 0.3
Stalingrad 0.3
Stalingrad_w 0.3