WarThunder Directory

This site gives you access to the full catalog of every vehicle on the War Thunder game. From the War Thunder planes like Ar-2's to tanks like the T-28 and all other vehicles.

F4u 1d
Model F4u-1d
Value_silv 77000
Reqexp_resp 18000
Unitclass Fighter
Basic_silv 22000
Expert_silv 77000
Ace_gold 400
Ace_exp 280000
Timehrsarcade 6.677
Timehrshistorical 9.7922
Timehrssimulation 16.9213
Timehrsnocrewarcade 349.354
Timehrsnocrewhistorical 355.584
Timehrsnocrewsimulation 369.843
Costarcade_silv 1260
Costhistorical_silv 3200
Costsimulation_silv 5440
Battletimeawardarcade 700
Battletimeawardhistorical 2300
Battletimeawardsimulation 2600
Avgawardarcade 2917
Avgawardhistorical 5440
Avgawardsimulation 7542
Rewardmularcade 1.00096
Rewardmulhistorical 3.24267
Rewardmulsimulation 4.39422
Rewardmulvisualarcade 2
Rewardmulvisualhistorical 4
Rewardmulvisualsimulation 4.5
Battletimearcade 59.7612
Battletimehistorical 82.9442
Battletimesimulation 173.799
Expmul 1.36
Groundkillmul 1
Rank 3
Economicrankarcade 7
Economicrankhistorical 0
Economicranksimulation 8
Economicranktankarcade 7
Economicranktankhistorical 8
Economicranktanksimulation 8
Premrewardmulvisualarcade 0
Premrewardmulvisualhistorical 0
Premrewardmulvisualsimulation 0
Gunnerscount 0
Needbuytoopennextintier1 2
Needbuytoopennextintier2 1
Needbuytoopennextintier3 2
Needbuytoopennextintier4 1
Groundkillmul 1
Sparecost_gold 20
Aileronangles [19, 14]
Aileroneffectivespeed 420
Aileronpowerloss 2
Aileronsens 0.17
Airbrakespeed 0.5
Allowstrongcontrolsrestrictions True
Alphaaileronmin 0.1
Alphaelevatormin 0.2
Alpharuddermin 0.1
Arcadehelperssensitivity 1
Arcadelimitwepmultiplier 1.1
Cockpitdoorblockspeed 450
Cockpitdoorspeedclose [150, 300, 0.5, 1]
Cockpitdoorspeedopen [150, 300, 0.5, 0.02]
Cockpitopeneddoorbreakspeed -1
Crew 1
Criticalspeed 50
Elevatorangles [23, 17]
Elevatorpowerloss 4.3
Elevatorsens 0.45
Elevatorseffectivespeed 480.005
Elevon False
Finheight 2.2
Gearactuatorspeed 0.166667
Invertelevator False
Keelangle 0
Length 10.26
Maxspeedataltitude 670
Maxspeedflaps 260
Maxspeednearground 675
Minspeedflaps 117.45
Minimalspeed 160
Momentofinertia [22031, 44471, 25117]
Rudderangles [25, 25]
Ruddereffectivespeed 450.004
Rudderinterceptor False
Rudderpowerloss 1.8
Ruddersens 0.33
Stabangle 1
Stabwidth 5.02
Vslats [135, 160]
Vne 815
Vnecockpitdoor 700
Vnemach 0.76
Wingactuatorspeed 0.0555556
Wingangle 2
Wingspan 12.49
Dvflapsin [150, 280, 0.15, 0.18]
Dvflapsout [150, 280, 0.15, 0.12]
Hookparentnode Gear_c6
Model F4u_1d
Paratrooper Usa_para
Type Fighter
Direction [0.9993, -0.034]
Position [1.942, 0, 0]
Proppos [2.792, 0, 0]
Iscontrollable True
Nitroconsumption 0.086
Type 4
Ata0 1
Ata1 1.654
Ata2 1.771
Afterburnerboostmul0 1
Afterburnerboostmul1 1
Afterburnermanifoldpressure 1.972
Allowautoturbocharger False
Altitude0 609.6
Altitude1 6401
Altitudeconstrpm0 609.6
Altitudeconstrpm1 4876.8
Ceiling0 610
Ceiling1 6402
Compressoromegafactorsq 0
Compressorpressureatrpm0 0.3
Exactaltitudes True
Externalpressurelimit True
Iscontrollable True
Numsteps 2
Power0 2000
Power1 1650
Poweratceiling0 2000
Poweratceiling1 1650
Powerconstrpm0 2000
Powerconstrpm1 1800
Powerconstrpmcurvature0 1
Powerconstrpmcurvature1 1
Rpm0 600
Rpm1 2550
Rpm2 2700
Speedmanifoldmultiplier 0.49
Turbochargerrpmmax 25000
Turbochargerrpmmaxallowed 18250
Turbochargerrpmmin 0
Turbochargertimeconst 1
Type 1
Hasmagnetocontrol True
Hasradiatorcontrol True
Hasthrottlecontrol True
Advancedjetengine False
Afterburnerboost 1.125
Carbueretortype 2
Consumptionomegamax 1.05
Consumptionomegamincoeff 3.60082
Cylinders 18
Engineacceleration 6
Engineinertiamoment 1
Extinguishernum 0
Fuelconsumptiononfullthr 0.49
Fuelconsumptiononhalfthr 0.33
Fuelconsumptiononidle 0.2
Fuelconsumptiononwep 0.48
Fuelsystemnum 0
Isautonomous True
Iswatercooled False
Mass 1122.86
Maxcarburetorthrmult 1
Optimalspeed 180
Power 2000
Rpmamplitude0 [2550, 0]
Rpmamplitude1 [0, 5]
Rpmmax 2700
Rpmmaxallowed 3060
Rpmmin 120
Throttleboost 1.0001
Thrust 10.7
Thrustomegamincoeff 0.0109987
Turbinetimeconstant 3.4
Type Radial
Userealreductor True
Thrustmax0 2700
Altitudepressuretop0 0.784555
Iscontrollable True
Type 1
Advancedpropradius 1.95
Allowautoprop True
Diameter 3.91
Direction 1
Governorafterburnerparam 2700
Governormaxparam 2700
Governorminparam 1100
Governorspeed 1.87
Governortype 2
Hasfeatheringcontrol True
Inertiamomentcoeff 1
Iscontrollable True
Mass 222.2
Numblades 3
Phialpha0 11
Phifeather 1.4
Phimax 60
Phimin 17
Propphi0 32.926
Propphi1 12.828
Propphi2 0
Propphi3 -5.57403
Propwidth0 0.134
Propwidth1 0.147
Propwidth2 0.135
Propwidth3 0.09
Reductor 0.5
Throttlerpmauto0 [0, 1100]
Throttlerpmauto1 [0.5, 1800]
Throttlerpmauto2 [0.8, 2550]
Throttlerpmauto3 [1, 2700]
Throttlerpmauto4 [1.1, 2700]
Useadvancedprop True
Useautopropinertia False
Aftercritdeclinecoeff 0.0222
Aftercritmaxdistanceangle 36
Aftercritparabangle 3
Cdmin 0.006
Cl0 0.17
Claftercrit 1.09
Clcrithigh 1.52
Clcritlow -0.8
Combinedcl True
Machcrit1 0.6
Machcrit2 0.65
Machcrit3 0.3
Machcrit4 0.3
Machcrit5 0.01
Machcrit6 0
Machfactor 3
Machmax1 1
Machmax2 0.97
Machmax3 1
Machmax4 1
Machmax5 0.02
Machmax6 0
Multlimit1 1
Multlimit2 1
Multlimit3 0.25
Multlimit4 0.25
Multlimit5 7
Multlimit6 0
Multlinecoeff1 -5.2
Multlinecoeff2 -3.7
Multlinecoeff3 -0.44
Multlinecoeff4 -0.2
Multlinecoeff5 1
Multlinecoeff6 0
Multmachmax1 7
Multmachmax2 6.7
Multmachmax3 0.32
Multmachmax4 0.4
Multmachmax5 7
Multmachmax6 0
Alphacrithigh 18
Alphacritlow -14
Lineclcoeff 0.075
Effectiveradspeed 270
Emptyoilpipeoutmaxrpmtemp 130
Emptywaterpipemaxrpmtemp 650
Ineffectiveradmult 1.1
Oilmaxtemp 100
Oilmintemp 40
Oiloutmaxrpmtemp 87
Overheattime 300
Radiatortype 3
Tempchangespeed 0.0108
Underheattime 999
Watermaxrpmtemp 225
Watermaxtemp 260
Watermintemp 60
Centerwheelradius 0.16
Floats False
Frontalspringscoeff 513542
Frontalspringsheight 0.3
Haswheels True
Height 1.61454
Leftwheelradius 0.41
Pitch 11.842
Retractabletailstrut False
Rightwheelradius 0.41
Sinkfactor 1200
Tailspringscoeff 513542
Tailspringsheight 0.1
Usecenterofgravity False
Waterfriction 1
Advancedmass False
Centerofgravity [-0.05, 0, 0]
Emptymass 4530
Flapsdestructionindspeedp1 [0.1, 440]
Flapsdestructionindspeedp2 [1, 240]
Geardestructionindspeed 350
Maxfuelmass0 717.6
Maxnitro 40.815
Oilmass 45.42
Separatefueltanks False
Takeoff 6764.6
Wingcritoverload [-100000, 315000]
Engine1_dm 1122.86
Alt0 0
Climbspeedias True
Climbspeednum 1
Mass 0
Speedmax0 0
Speedwep0 0
Turntimeflaps 0
Alt {}
Ias {}
Tank1_dm True
Tank2_dm True
Tank3_dm True
Tank4_dm True
Tank5_dm True
Tank6_dm True
Tank7_dm True
Tank8_dm True
Airfieldlen 250
Climbalt 3048
Climbspeed 15
Climbtime 198
Maxaltitude 11247
Maxspeed 186.4157
Maxspeedalt 6096
Turntime 22
Accspd 2.28503
Climbspeed 15.1529
Maxspeed 161.575
Turntime 41.2926
Blk Gunbrowning50 usaaf
Bullets 375
Light True
Spread 1.35
Trigger Machine gun
Blk Gunbrowning50 usaaf
Bullets 400
Iswinglpositioned False
Iswingrpositioned False
Light False
Spread 1.35
Traceoffset 1
Trigger Machine gun
Blk Gunbrowning50 usaaf
Bullets 400
Iswinglpositioned False
Iswingrpositioned False
Light True
Spread 1.35
Traceoffset 2
Trigger Machine gun
Blk Gunbrowning50 usaaf
Bullets 400
Iswinglpositioned False
Iswingrpositioned False
Light True
Spread 1.35
Traceoffset 1
Trigger Machine gun
Blk Gunbrowning50 usaaf
Bullets 400
Light False
Spread 1.35
Traceoffset 2
Trigger Machine gun
Blk Gunbrowning50 usaaf
Bullets 375
Light True
Spread 1.35
Traceoffset 3
Trigger Machine gun
Engineextinguishfirespeed [138, 223]
Engineextinguishfirespeedchance [0.01, 0.1]
Firedamagepowerrel 0.05
Nonextinguishfiretime 5
Maxpower 6
Maxsegments 50
Mindist 50
Radius 10
Timetolive 45
Enginecooldowntime 18
Engineoverheatcooldowntime 14
Engineoverheattime 25
Enginetempafteroverheat 0.15
Guncooldowntime 2.5
Gunoverheatcooldowntime 3
Gunoverheattime 8
Guntempafteroverheat 0.15
Enginecooldowntime 20
Engineoverheatcooldowntime 60
Engineoverheattime 40
Enginetempafteroverheat 0.3
Guncooldowntime 2.5
Gunoverheatcooldowntime 3
Gunoverheattime 4
Guntempafteroverheat 0.2
Enginecooldowntime 20
Engineoverheatcooldowntime 60
Engineoverheattime 40
Enginetempafteroverheat 0.3
Guncooldowntime 2.5
Gunoverheatcooldowntime 3
Gunoverheattime 4
Guntempafteroverheat 0.2
All True
Ally True
Can_be_played_with_cockpit_view_only True
Carrier_take_off True
Country_usa True
Hangar True
Pacific True
Piston_engine True
Training True
Type_fighter True
Type_naval_fighter True
Year1943 True
Year1944 True
Year1945 True
Guadalcanal 1
Guam 1
Honolulu 1
Iwo_jima 1
Midway 1
Peleliu 1
Saipan 1
Wake_island 1
Guadalcanal 0.7
Guam 0.7
Honolulu 0.7
Iwo_jima 0.7
Midway 0.7
Peleliu 0.7
Saipan 0.7
Wake_island 0.7
Guadalcanal 0.3
Guam 0.3
Honolulu 0.3
Iwo_jima 0.3
Midway 0.3
Peleliu 0.3
Saipan 0.3
Wake_island 0.3