WarThunder Directory

This site gives you access to the full catalog of every vehicle on the War Thunder game. From the War Thunder planes like Ar-2's to tanks like the T-28 and all other vehicles.

P 63a 5
Model P-63a-5
Value_silv 100000
Reqexp_resp 26000
Unitclass Fighter
Basic_silv 29000
Expert_silv 100000
Ace_gold 500
Ace_exp 320000
Timehrsarcade 10.837
Timehrshistorical 16.0579
Timehrssimulation 17.3936
Timehrsnocrewarcade 357.674
Timehrsnocrewhistorical 368.116
Timehrsnocrewsimulation 370.787
Costarcade_silv 1470
Costhistorical_silv 3750
Costsimulation_silv 4260
Battletimeawardarcade 810
Battletimeawardhistorical 2700
Battletimeawardsimulation 2600
Avgawardarcade 3356
Avgawardhistorical 6079
Avgawardsimulation 5468
Rewardmularcade 1.06791
Rewardmulhistorical 3.41333
Rewardmulsimulation 4.91965
Rewardmulvisualarcade 2
Rewardmulvisualhistorical 4.2
Rewardmulvisualsimulation 4.9
Battletimearcade 61.4951
Battletimehistorical 100.312
Battletimesimulation 145.866
Expmul 1.42
Groundkillmul 1
Rank 3
Economicrankarcade 8
Economicrankhistorical 0
Economicranksimulation 8
Economicranktankarcade 8
Economicranktankhistorical 8
Economicranktanksimulation 8
Premrewardmulvisualarcade 0
Premrewardmulvisualhistorical 0
Premrewardmulvisualsimulation 0
Gunnerscount 0
Needbuytoopennextintier1 2
Needbuytoopennextintier2 2
Needbuytoopennextintier3 2
Needbuytoopennextintier4 1
Groundkillmul 1
Sparecost_gold 30
Aileronangles [15, 15]
Aileroneffectivespeed 460
Aileronpowerloss 3
Aileronsens 0.195
Allowstrongcontrolsrestrictions True
Alphaaileronmin 0.2
Alphaelevatormin 0.4
Alpharuddermin 0.2
Arcadehelperssensitivity 1
Arcadelimitwepmultiplier 1.1
Cockpitdoorspeed 0.1
Crew 1
Criticalspeed 50
Elevatorangles [35, 15]
Elevatorpowerloss 2.7
Elevatorsens 0.44
Elevatorseffectivespeed 419.203
Engineforcemultiplier 1
Enginewepforcemultiplier 1.1
Finheight 1.95
Gearactuatorspeed 0.2
Keelangle 0
Length 9.957
Maxspeedataltitude 610
Maxspeedflaps 245
Maxspeednearground 671.998
Minspeedflaps 108.75
Minimalspeed 160
Momentofinertia [11000, 22000, 12500]
Rudderangles [30, 30]
Ruddereffectivespeed 430.003
Rudderpowerloss 2
Ruddersens 0.42
Stabangle 0.5
Stabwidth 3.9
Vslats [125, 160]
Vne 780
Vnemach 0.75
Wingactuatorspeed 0.1
Wingangle 1
Wingspan 11.684
Dvflapsin [150, 280, 0.15, 0.25]
Dvflapsout [150, 280, 0.15, 0.02]
Fightaibehaviour Fighter
Model P_63a_5
Paratrooper Ally
Type Fighter
Booster False
Position [-0.75, 0.25, 0]
Proppos [3.07, 0.27, 0]
Vector [1, 0, 0]
Iscontrollable True
Nitroconsumption 0
Type 6
Ata0 0.4
Ata1 1.437
Ata2 1.7
Afterburnercompressionfactor 1.185
Altitude0 5900
Compressorpressureatrpm0 0.3
Compressorturbocompmult 0.9
Compressorturboextmult 0.1
Iscontrollable False
Multiplier0 0.985
Numsteps 1
Rpm0 800
Rpm1 2600
Rpm2 3000
Speedmanifoldmultiplier 0.9
Type 1
Hasmagnetocontrol True
Hasradiatorcontrol True
Hasthrottlecontrol True
Advancedjetengine False
Afterburnerboost 1.17
Carbueretortype 2
Consumptionomegamax 1.05
Consumptionomegamincoeff 1
Cylinders 12
Engineacceleration 6
Engineinertiamoment 1
Extinguishernum 0
Fuelconsumptiononfullthr 0.295
Fuelconsumptiononhalfthr 0.21
Fuelconsumptiononidle 0.3
Fuelconsumptiononwep 0.31
Fuelsystemnum 0
Horsepowers 1270
Isautonomous True
Iswatercooled True
Mass 910
Maxcarburetorthrmult 1.1
Optimalspeed 260
Rpmamplitude0 [2850, 0]
Rpmamplitude1 [0, 140]
Rpmmax 3000
Rpmmaxallowed 3300
Rpmmin 800
Rpmnom 2600
Throttleboost 1.001
Thrust 5
Thrustomegamincoeff 1
Turbinetimeconstant 3.4
Type Inline
Userealreductor True
Altitude_0 0
Altitude_1 5000
Altitude_2 10000
Altitude_3 15000
Thrustmax0 2700
Thrustmaxcoeff_0_0 1
Thrustmaxcoeff_0_1 0.944444
Thrustmaxcoeff_0_2 0.907407
Thrustmaxcoeff_0_3 0.874074
Thrustmaxcoeff_0_4 0.877778
Thrustmaxcoeff_0_5 0.914815
Thrustmaxcoeff_0_6 0.974074
Thrustmaxcoeff_1_0 0.644444
Thrustmaxcoeff_1_1 0.644444
Thrustmaxcoeff_1_2 0.607407
Thrustmaxcoeff_1_3 0.592593
Thrustmaxcoeff_1_4 0.6
Thrustmaxcoeff_1_5 0.637037
Thrustmaxcoeff_1_6 0.703704
Thrustmaxcoeff_2_0 0.388889
Thrustmaxcoeff_2_1 0.388889
Thrustmaxcoeff_2_2 0.374074
Thrustmaxcoeff_2_3 0.37037
Thrustmaxcoeff_2_4 0.388889
Thrustmaxcoeff_2_5 0.414815
Thrustmaxcoeff_2_6 0.444444
Thrustmaxcoeff_3_0 0.162963
Thrustmaxcoeff_3_1 0.162963
Thrustmaxcoeff_3_2 0.166667
Thrustmaxcoeff_3_3 0.174074
Thrustmaxcoeff_3_4 0.185185
Thrustmaxcoeff_3_5 0.211111
Thrustmaxcoeff_3_6 0.237037
Velocity_0 0
Velocity_1 200
Velocity_2 400
Velocity_3 600
Velocity_4 800
Velocity_5 1000
Velocity_6 1200
Altitudepressuretop0 0.78
Iscontrollable False
Type 0
Advancedpropradius 1.765
Allowautoprop True
Diameter 3.53
Direction 1
Governorafterburnerparam 3000
Governormaxparam 2600
Governorminparam 1600
Governorspeed 0.11
Governortype 1
Hasfeatheringcontrol False
Inertiamomentcoeff 1
Iscontrollable True
Mass 166
Numblades 4
Phialpha0 25
Phifeather 1.55
Phimax 52
Phimin 22
Propphi0 18
Propphi1 9
Propphi2 0
Propphi3 -8
Propwidth0 0.115
Propwidth1 0.148
Propwidth2 0.137
Propwidth3 0.075
Reductor 0.448
Useadvancedprop True
Useautopropinertia False
Aftercritdeclinecoeff 0.0222
Aftercritmaxdistanceangle 35
Aftercritparabangle 3
Cdmin 0.021
Cl0 0.4
Claftercrit 1.1
Clcrithigh 1.35
Clcritlow -0.9
Alphacrithigh 17
Alphacritlow -14
Lineclcoeff 0.0755
Effectiveradspeed 250
Ineffectiveradmult 1.1
Oilinmaxrpmtemp 70
Oilmaxtemp 95
Oilmintemp 25
Oiloutmaxrpmtemp 87
Overheattime 150
Radiatortype 1
Tempchangespeed 0.01
Underheattime 999
Watermaxrpmtemp 115
Watermaxtemp 125
Watermintemp 85
Centerwheelradius 0.4
Floats False
Frontalspringscoeff 390662
Frontalspringsheight 0.3
Haswheels True
Height 1.8
Leftwheelradius 0.4
Pitch 1.7
Rightwheelradius 0.4
Sinkfactor 900
Tailspringscoeff 390662
Tailspringsheight 0.1
Waterfriction 1
Advancedmass False
Centerofgravity [0.1, -0.2, 0]
Emptymass 3151.5
Maxfuelmass 450
Maxfuelmass0 365.056
Maxfuelmass1 0
Maxnitro 0
Oilmass 32
Takeoff 3787
Wingcritoverload [-140000, 190000]
Aileron_l_dm 31.0414
Aileron_r_dm 31.0414
Armor1_dm 13.4658
Armor2_dm 7.84061
Armor3_dm 9.39229
Cannon1_dm 17.3019
Cover1_dm 42.1708
Elevator_dm 58.3149
Fin_dm 43.262
Flap_l_dm 34.1226
Flap_r_dm 34.1226
Fuse1_dm 218.4
Fuse_dm 230.583
Gear_l_dm 33.2369
Gear_r_dm 33.2369
Mgun1_dm 9.89679
Mgun2_dm 9.89381
Mgun3_dm 33.1654
Mgun4_dm 33.6828
Oil1_dm 4.13827
Oil2_dm 4.13827
Oil3_dm 11.8674
Pilot_dm 23.4862
Rudder_dm 43.7489
Spar1_l_dm 40.0129
Spar1_r_dm 40.0129
Spar2_l_dm 24.6151
Spar2_r_dm 24.6151
Spar_l_dm 46.8065
Spar_r_dm 46.8065
Stab_dm 84.2827
Tail_dm 85.4279
Tailcontrol_dm 4.41971
Water1_dm 12.7035
Water2_dm 12.7035
Wing1_l_dm 121.677
Wing1_r_dm 121.677
Wing2_l_dm 105.759
Wing2_r_dm 105.759
Wing_l_dm 178.753
Wing_r_dm 178.753
Wingcontrol_l_dm 2.13164
Wingcontrol_r_dm 2.08999
Mass 3787
Alt {}
Speednom [0, 510]
Speednom2 [9000, 624]
Speednom3 [8500, 632]
Speednom4 [7500, 644]
Speednom5 [7315, 645]
Speednom6 [7000, 643]
Speednom7 [6500, 632]
Speednom8 [6096, 624]
Speednom9 [5500, 613]
Speednom10 [5000, 603]
Speednom11 [8000, 639]
Speednom12 [4000, 584]
Speednom13 [3500, 573]
Speednom14 [3048, 565]
Speednom15 [2500, 554]
Speednom16 [2000, 545]
Speednom17 [1524, 537]
Speednom18 [1000, 527]
Speednom19 [500, 518]
Speednom20 [4572, 595]
Speedwep [6096, 652]
Speedwep2 [5500, 644]
Speedwep3 [5000, 637]
Speedwep4 [4572, 628]
Speedwep5 [4000, 619]
Speedwep6 [3500, 610]
Speedwep7 [1000, 557]
Speedwep8 [2500, 589]
Speedwep9 [2000, 578]
Speedwep10 [1524, 567]
Speedwep11 [500, 548]
Speedwep12 [0, 539]
Speedwep13 [6500, 651]
Speedwep14 [3048, 599]
Speedwep15 [7000, 646]
Ias {}
Alt 1000
Speed 295
Time 20
Alt 1000
Speed 300
Time 18
Tthnom [0, 0]
Tthnom2 [9144, 731]
Tthnom3 [8500, 643]
Tthnom4 [7500, 541]
Tthnom5 [7315, 525]
Tthnom6 [7000, 495]
Tthnom7 [6500, 454]
Tthnom8 [6096, 425]
Tthnom9 [5500, 381]
Tthnom10 [5000, 345]
Tthnom11 [8000, 590]
Tthnom12 [4000, 273]
Tthnom13 [3500, 238]
Tthnom14 [3048, 207]
Tthnom15 [2500, 169]
Tthnom16 [2000, 135]
Tthnom17 [1524, 103]
Tthnom18 [1000, 68]
Tthnom19 [500, 34]
Tthnom20 [4572, 314]
Tthwep [6500, 379]
Tthwep2 [6096, 349]
Tthwep3 [5500, 310]
Tthwep4 [5000, 279]
Tthwep5 [4572, 255]
Tthwep6 [4000, 222]
Tthwep7 [1524, 83]
Tthwep8 [3048, 167]
Tthwep9 [2500, 137]
Tthwep10 [2000, 109]
Tthwep11 [1000, 54]
Tthwep12 [500, 27]
Tthwep13 [7000, 420]
Tthwep14 [3500, 193]
Tthwep15 [7315, 450]
Tank1_dm True
Tank2_dm True
Tank3_dm True
Tank4_dm True
Tank5_dm True
Tank6_dm True
Tank7_dm True
Tank8_dm True
Airfieldlen 289.105
Climbalt 5000
Climbspeed 18.75
Climbtime 393.7
Maxaltitude 11900
Maxspeed 180
Maxspeedalt 7500
Turntime 20.3
Accspd 2.18922
Climbspeed 12.7
Maxspeed 182.5
Turntime 22.305
Blk Cannonm4
Bullets 30
Spread 1
Trigger Cannon
Blk Gunbrowning50 usaaf
Bullets 270
Light True
Spread 1
Traceoffset 2
Trigger Machine gun
Blk Gunbrowning50 usaaf
Bullets 270
Light False
Spread 1
Trigger Machine gun
Blk Gunbrowning50 usaaf
Bullets 250
Light True
Spread 1.1
Traceoffset 3
Trigger Machine gun
Blk Gunbrowning50 usaaf
Bullets 250
Light True
Spread 1.1
Traceoffset 1
Trigger Machine gun
Engineextinguishfirespeed [138, 223]
Engineextinguishfirespeedchance [0.01, 0.1]
Firedamagepowerrel 0.05
Nonextinguishfiretime 5
Maxpower 6
Maxsegments 50
Mindist 50
Radius 10
Timetolive 45
Enginecooldowntime 18
Engineoverheatcooldowntime 14
Engineoverheattime 25
Enginetempafteroverheat 0.15
Guncooldowntime 2.5
Gunoverheatcooldowntime 3
Gunoverheattime 8
Guntempafteroverheat 0.15
Enginecooldowntime 20
Engineoverheatcooldowntime 60
Engineoverheattime 40
Enginetempafteroverheat 0.3
Guncooldowntime 2.5
Gunoverheatcooldowntime 3
Gunoverheattime 4
Guntempafteroverheat 0.2
Enginecooldowntime 20
Engineoverheatcooldowntime 60
Engineoverheattime 40
Enginetempafteroverheat 0.3
Guncooldowntime 2.5
Gunoverheatcooldowntime 3
Gunoverheattime 4
Guntempafteroverheat 0.2
All True
Ally True
Can_be_played_with_cockpit_view_only True
Country_usa True
Hangar True
Mediterranean True
Training True
Type_fighter True
Western_front True
Year1943 True
Year1944 True
Year1945 True
Bulge 1
Guadalcanal 1
Guam 1
Honolulu 1
Iwo_jima 1
Midway 1
Peleliu 1
Ruhr 1
Saipan 1
Wake_island 1
Bulge 0.7
Guadalcanal 0.7
Guam 0.7
Honolulu 0.7
Iwo_jima 0.7
Midway 0.7
Peleliu 0.7
Ruhr 0.7
Saipan 0.7
Wake_island 0.7
Bulge 0.3
Guadalcanal 0.3
Guam 0.3
Honolulu 0.3
Iwo_jima 0.3
Midway 0.3
Peleliu 0.3
Ruhr 0.3
Saipan 0.3
Wake_island 0.3